Industrial Anti-corrosion Contract division offers many blasting services. Blasting is used in a multitude of applications both in-house and on-site with a variety of media. The application is a refined process depending on the surface, the environment and the equipment involved. It can be a mechanical, semi mechanical or manual process with numerous aspects to consider.
Blasting is used to remove build up of paint and corrosion from surfaces; it can also be used to achieve a profile to which coatings can adhere, thus increasing life expectancy making the process more cost effective. Blast Abrasives has a broad experience in all types of blasting and our experienced team advise on the correct application to meet the customer requirements.
Blast abrasives offers Painting Services that are widely applauded for their flexibility and timely execution and rendered at economical rates to the clients. Our services are provided by skilled panel of professionals, who are instrumental in rendering this service keeping in mind the every minute detail specified by clients, which helps the protection and beauty of the structures.